Featured Product – All About Merckens Buttons

If you’ve been wondering about Mercken’s Buttons, then Orson H. Gygi is here to help. Here’s all of the questions and answers that we have been asked about them over time.

What type of chocolate are Merckens Buttons?

What flavors do Merckens Buttons come in?

  • Merckens Buttons come in 2 different flavors: Chocolate and white chocolate. They do come in a variety of colors. Each color is a white chocolate flavor.

What colors do they come in?

In what quantities does Gygi’s sell them?

  • We sell all of the colors in 2-1/2 lb. bags.

How many ounces of chocolate are in a bag?

  • 40 ounces of chocolate come in one 2-1/2 lb. bag

What’s the best way to store Merckens Buttons?

  • Always store chocolate in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 53.6°F to 60.8°F. So, never in the refrigerator. Also avoid temperature shocks of more than 50°F. If not, your chocolate might develop a white sheen (bloom). This does not affect the taste, but admit it: a dark, shiny and good looking praline or chocolate bar looks far more tempting.
  • Never store chocolate alongside strong-smelling foodstuffs: onions, garlic, or even detergent. Chocolate absorbs odors very easily and this could affect the sublime taste of your favorite treat.
  • The best temperature to consume chocolate is at 64.4°F to 69.8°F. At this temperature, chocolate remains crunchy, yet is ready to fully release all of its flavors and aromas in your mouth. So always give chocolate the time to acclimatize from its storing temperature to room temperature.

What is their shelf life?

  • Quality cocoa, dark and milk chocolate have a long shelf life by nature. The cocoa polyphenols naturally present help to protect dark and milk chocolate from oxidation for long periods. They are natural preservatives. If the above instructions are followed Mercken’s Buttons have a shelf life of approximately 12-18 months.

Do Buttons require tempering?

  • No, they do not. They are more simple to melt. See instructions below. (You can read more about tempering here).

How do I melt them down?

  • Mercken’s Buttons are a compound coating chocolate that does not require tempering prior to use. Snaps are a simple melt and use product.
  • You can melt them in a double boiler or a microwave. We prefer the microwave. Read these detailed instructions for melting Mercken’s Buttons.

Since they aren’t real chocolate, can they bloom or seize?

  • Bloom: Yes, Buttons can still bloom. Bloom happens when the chocolate hasn’t been stored properly. In the case of Buttons, it is the oil that comes to the surface of the chocolate that gives it that chalky white look. Read more about bloom and how to prevent it here.
  • Seizing: Yes, all chocolate can seize when water is added to it. Read more about seizing here.

What’s the difference between Merckens Buttons and other brands of compound coatings?

  • The first and foremost difference is the manufacturer.
  • The white buttons are white, not a creamy yellow color.
  • Merckens Buttons are a little sweeter than other compound coatings.
  • As far as taste goes, the choice is yours. You may want to try each kind before you decide which compound coating to use.

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Did we cover everything you wanted to know about Mercken’s Buttons? If not, please ask us! We are happy to help!

Shop Mercken’s Buttons

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    Featured Product: All About Guittard A’Peels
    October 17, 2012 at 10:15 am

    […] already discussed Mercken’s Buttons and Callebaut Snaps, so today we are talking about another compound coating… Guittard […]

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