Score big on game day with 50 Yard Line Brownies! Get in the football season with this fun treat. It looks good on the buffet table and will make your game day guests smile.
Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong when I was making these brownies. My brownies burned in the pan and were stuck. I couldn’t seem to pipe the grass on the brownie that well. Because it has to be a well-groomed lawn rather than a field of grass, I think piping short, uniform grass was so much harder. Maybe to save time you could spread the frosting, but if you’re decent at piping I think you’ll be fine. I was just having a tough day. Finally, I couldn’t keep a steady hand with the chocolate candy writer. If you look at the final project after all that mess, it still looks good enough to serve – so why not give it a try? On your worst day, it’ll still look fine!
Bake brownies at desired thickeness. How thick will determine how many brownies you can make. For these, I only made four in an 8×8 pan. If I made a sheet of brownies, I could have made so many more!
After your brownies are cooled. Cut them into large servings. Use a grass cake tip like a Wilton 233 or 234 and pipe green frosting onto your brownie.
Print your 50 and the lines:
Place on a baking sheet and cover in parchment paper. Use a candy writer to trace over the 50 and make a line the same size as the length of your brownie. Place in refrigerator until hard. Pop off and place on brownie.
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