Starting Your Traeger Grill

starting your Traeger

You have a Traeger Wood Pellet Grill (or maybe you are looking at getting one), but you aren’t sure you are ready to use it. We know the process for starting and using this grill is a little different from what you might be used to. And starting it up for the first time can feel intimidating. But honestly, Trager has made the process for start up and use of their grills easy and accessible. You can use this little guide to help you get started, but there are also so many articles and videos from Traeger that you can find online that are also an invaluable resource for any first-timers out there. So, as soon as you are ready, let’s get this thing going! Here are the steps to follow for starting your Traeger. 

Initial Firing Process

Before you put any food on your grill you want to make sure it is fired and seasoned. This one-time process will help burn off some of the non-toxic oils left over from the manufacturing process as well as help create that seasoned, non-stick surface so you can get the most from your Traeger. This initial firing process takes about one to one and a half hours, depending on your grill. And the instructions for this initial startup can be found in your owner’s manual or online right here

Series of Checks

Before starting up your grill for use, make sure you perform a few checks. Check the hopper to make sure you have enough pellets. Check the inside of the grill to make sure there isn’t anything left inside and that the grates are clean and properly installed. Check the drip bucket to make sure it is secured in place. Make sure the firepot and heat shield are installed correctly. Now you are ready to plug it in.

Plug in your Grill and Start it Up

Now it’s time to flip the switch. Again different models will require slightly different startup processes. With the touchscreen WiFIRE-enabld grills you will use the display to turn on your grill and set the temperature. With D2 WiFIRE grills you will use the power switch located on the back of the hopper then use the screen on dial on the front to adjust the temperature. And for Non-Connected grills you will use the AC digital controller on the front of the grill to flip it on and set the temperature. 

Closed-Lid or Open-Lid Start Up

With newer grills you can use the closed-lid method for starting your Traeger. You will close the lid, start the grill, turn the dial to smoke, and then wait two minutes before setting the desired temperature. With older grills, purchased before 2016, you will use the open-lid startup. Here you will keep the grill’s lid open, start the grill, turn the dial to smoke, and then wait about 5 minutes to get the fire established. Then you can close the lid and adjust the temperature setting. 

Start Traegering

That’s it! That is all you need for starting your Traeger. See how easy that was? Initially you will notice some thick white smoking coming from the smoker. It’s normal for smoke to be thicker during startup and the beginning of a cook. Once the fire is established and the grill reaches temperature, the smoke should thin out and you are ready to get your food on the grate. Here are some of our top smoking posts to check out!

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