Simple and Cheap Party Decorations: How to Make a Mini Balloon Topiary

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for simple and cheap party decoration ideas. So today, I’m going to share how to make one of my favorites that can be used in a few different ways: Mini Balloon Topiary. Even though we don’t carry balloons at Gygi’s, I hope this will help to get your even more prepared for your Easter parties.

What you will need:

  • -5″ latex balloons
  • -Small air pump

In order to make one topiary, you will need 12 balloons. (Hint: Use the left-overs from your chocolate cups).

Be sure to have at least 2 of each color. As you can see, I only had 5 colors, so I decided to pair up a yellow and lime green.

Blow each balloon up until it gives a slight pear shape, being careful to make sure that each balloon is the same size. I always hold them up next to each other before tying a knot.

When you have them the same size, tie the paired balloons together.

Do this until all of the balloons are blown up and you have 6 sets of 2 balloons tied together.

Once you have all of the sets complete, then it’s time to start building the topiary. Choose one set of 2 to be the base. Each set will be wrapped around the base set. For this tutorial, the pink set will be the base.

Take one set of balloons (yellow) and place them on top of the base set (pink) forming an “X” shape.

Wrap the yellow set around the pink set as if you are tying a knot. The next step is to lock them in place.

How to lock a set: Once the yellow set has been wrapped around the pink set, then you need to lock that set by wrapping the two yellow balloons around each other.

Once that set has been locked in place, you will be able to see that the two sets are knotted in the center.

Continue the process of with each new set of 2.

Remember to lock them into place.

Repeat this process until all 5 sets have been twisted and locked around the base set. Once this has happened, you can then arrange the colors into place.

And that is how you make a topiary. So what can you do with it?

Here’s a few suggestions:

  • -Hang them with fishing line from the ceiling. This makes for fun decorations.
  • -Make a bunch and leave them on the floor like confetti. Kids love this!
  • -They make unique centerpieces. Stick them on balloon stick and place them in a tall vase… the options are endless!

What have you done with mini topiaries? We’d love to know!

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  • Reply
    DIY: Mini Balloon Topiaries
    April 5, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    […] In The Kitchen, I’m giving you step-by-step instructions on how to make these fun mini balloon topiaries. They make for such fun party decorations. Anyone who’s throwing an Easter event won’t […]

  • Reply
    July 21, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    Thanks for such a great tutorial !

    • Reply
      July 23, 2012 at 10:35 am

      You are welcome!

  • Reply
    March 26, 2020 at 5:48 am

    Awesome Resources. Keep on sharing with latest information.

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