Gygi Grilling Gala – Recap 2018

We just finished our annual Grilling Gala. I’m pretty sure I still have a bit of tri-tip lodged in my molars.

The food was amazing. The instructors were intelligent. The weather was perfection. But most importantly, the interaction with our customers was fulfilling. We love sharing the day with you – meeting you in person, enjoying the moments as we all learn how to better use our equipment.

Our goal for this year’s Grilling Gala was to provide instruction that would develop confidence in every level of cook. Regardless of your experience, we wanted every person to walk away feeling comfortable with the recipes presented.

Our goal is to provide the skills and the tools needed, for every chef to enjoy cooking outdoors. Because when you enjoy the process, you’ll find yourself cooking outdoors more often. And that is a beautiful thing.

We’ve collected the recipes from the demonstrations. We’ve compiled them here, to be a resource for those who attended, but also to give some insight to those who couldn’t make it. We want to share the gift of the Grilling Gala with everyone!

The Classes:

10 am: Chef Todd Leonard – Grilling Basics

10:30 am: Chuck Forrester – Dutch Oven Basics

11:30 am: Kristin Andrus – Everyday Traeger Meals

12 pm: Chef Todd Leonard – Perfect Sides

1 pm: Cake by Courtney – Traeger Baked Peach Crisp Cake

2:15: Chef Todd Leonard – Italian on the Grill

3:00 pm: Candace Heward and Connie Whitesides – Grilled Dessert Pizzas

3:30 pm: Chef Todd Leonard – Smoking and Dutch Oven


If you were able to join us this year, what was your favorite class? Your favorite food? Or what recipe have you attempted to recreate??? I’ve grilled corn twice already!


If you didn’t make it, save the date for 2019! The first Saturday of the month!

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