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cheesy pesto garlic bread

Cheesy Garlic Pesto Bread in the Smoker

Ready to branch out and try something in the Traeger that takes a little more effort? Then it’s time to try this recipe for Smoked Cheesy Pesto Bread. It…

cinnamon chip monkey bread

Cinnamon Chip Monkey Bread in the Smoker

New rule–every time the smoker is on, this monkey bread is going in! This recipe for Cinnamon Chip Monkey Bread was the easiest of the day, and maybe even…

Aubry’s Banana Bread

Anyone else buy those huge bunches of not-quite-ripe bananas with all the best intentions, but then a week later you discover them still in the bottom of the fruit…

bread pan

Bread Pan Showdown

Here in the Gygi Kitchen we decided it was time again for another pan showdown (reminiscent of our Cake Pan Showdown). And because it is inching closer into fall,…

Cinnamon Chip White Bread

We can’t share all about bread pans and then not give you a delicious recipe to try out. And you know how much we love our bread (see here…